Monday, 1 February 2010

Peter Pan – Jose Vanders

Final Idea

My final idea came from taking various points from each video idea. I found that this idea fitted with the idea of peter pan, so this is why I came up with this particular idea. I added a few extra parts to make it different and hopefully more interesting. The video will start off in the bedroom of a little girl, she will be sat on her bed writing a diary entry, which will have a close up of the diary where she will write the first line of the lyrics ‘peter, peter was your name’. She will then get up from her bed and walk towards a mirror and see something in her reflection, she turns around to see that there was nothing there, she then sees an animated peter pan, then all of a sudden he vanishes. She then goes round her room looking for him, looking in drawers and out her window. Then she climbs onto her bed and then bends over to look underneath, she doesn’t find anything, so she gets back up to find peter sat on her bed. At this point Peter flies out the window. Then there will be shots of cotton, thread and scissors on top of a dressing table and then they will twist in letters to spell the words ‘follow him’. So she walks towards her bedroom door; puts on the wellington boots; walks out of the door and closes the door behind her. The next scene is her walking down a road and peter is next to her, they both jump in puddles. As they are walking down the road they do several things together. They try and walk across the fence; they run down the road together, they sit under a tree together. The last scene is of the girl looking at her watch and there will be a close up of her watch, then they go there separate ways. The next shot we see is the back of the girl walking home on her own down the road; the final shot is of her in bed; she sits up looks at the star, smiles, and then falls back to sleep again. The star is linking to the peter pan film as in ‘the second star to the right’. Throughout the film there will be performance parts to the video, where there will be the singer will be miming the lyrics whilst sat on a window sill. Throughout the performance part of the video there will be a variety of camera shots.

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