Monday 1 February 2010

Peter Pan – Jose Vanders

Idea One

For my first idea I thought about setting my video inside of a old fashioned, traditional toy shop and the idea of the toys coming alive. The video would begin focusing on the door bell in an old fashioned shop then would focus just on the child entering the shop, perhaps a close up of the child’s face which would then move to a focus of the child’s back walking through the shop. A motif would be used in order for the toys to come alive perhaps following on from one another as one toys moves another would until all the toys have changed their position. This would be done by pausing, then recording and then following on from where the video had been paused. The child would walk through the toy shop and the camera would focus on the child’s face staring up at the toys ideally for the teddy/ragdoll to wave which would be done again by pausing and carrying on the shot. The shot would then zoom in on the child perhaps grasping hands with the toy and then a flashback into previous events before with the toy and child. This would then spin off into a flashback of the child and ragdoll or teddy spending time with the child and expressing times they had shared together and the child looking after the toy. Some ideas for the flashbacks could be the child and ragdoll playing at the park or having a tea party or running through fields together and having fun. When the scene is done it would then focus back on the child in the toy shop choosing the toy and then the child handing the money over at the toyshop and purchasing the toy. In between each of these narrative shots, there would be in between shots of the sing performing in the shop but not necessarily at the same time as the child. There would be a place in the shop where she would stand and sing, but on her own and everything would be still apart from her, whereas all the toys come to life when the child is there in the narrative section.

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