Thursday 25 February 2010

Getting Permission

Permission to use my setting

To use the location I want for my music video I needed to get some form of permission to use it. The location is at one of my friends’ house. I wrote her a letter to ask for her permission.

Dear Alex,
For part of my media course at school, I have to research, plan and create a music video. I intend for my video to be based in a bedroom, and as I feel that your bedroom would fit the role for my music video, I am writing to ask for me and my group to use your bedroom as part of the setting for our music video and also if you would be able to play a part in our music video, playing the part of a little girl. Please get back to me
Hope to hear from you

Once I had sent the letter, I waited for the reply. The letter read;

Dear Jade,
Of course that’s fine, I’d be happy for you to use my bedroom. If you could just let me know when you would like to video, we can arrange for you and your group to spend the day videoing. Also I would love to be in your video, it would be great. So make sure you let me know when you want to come and we can get started. See you soon

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