Monday 1 February 2010

Analysis of Band

Kate Nash; Foundations

Kate Nash is a solo artist. Her videos, I feel, show off her personality and create a sense of what person she is like for an audience. I think she is quite a girly girl, with all the pretty outfits she wears in her video and the objects in the house she uses. The house in the video is quite modern however it looks very homely with all the pots, pans, clothes and games around. Some of these objects are videoed several times to create an arty theme to the video. The words she says in the song “Every time you’re upset, I just smile” are about a relationship and in the video they create the image for the audience where he draws on his food a sad face, and she draws on her food a happy face, making it really obvious. I think that this video is a Narrative Performance video.

The video uses some slow and some fast cuts. The edits are usually swapping from Kate Nash singing to part of a Narrative, for example when she says the words “and every time we fight, I know it’s not right”, it cuts to a part were Kate is in her bedroom with boxing gloves on punching the air, then quickly changes back to Kate singing again.

The lighting is quite soft and sometimes low. I get the feeling that they show the sense of the videos mood through the lighting. I think that they use soft lighting because it can show the video to be quite homely. Throughout the video they use different sources of light for example, the orange lamp which gives off a warm effect; The sunlight which gives it an ordinary effect instead of an arty effect; and also the studio lights to make it brighter so we as an audience can see more.

Within the video they use a lot of mid close up’s on Kate Nash’s face. I think this is for the male gaze so that men would watch it and they could see her. Most of the shots are wide shots, as it Is usually the narrative part which is focused upon. So these show Kate and he boyfriend from a mid point where we can see not only those two but also the things around them. For example, at the beginning when they are playing a card game we see Kate and her boyfriend sat on the table from the side view and can see a lot of things around it also.

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