Monday 1 February 2010

Peter Pan – Jose Vanders

Idea Two

My second idea was to have a girl sat in her bedroom, thinking of past events that she has been through, like flashbacks of seeing this boy at school that she fancies. She would find a picture on her mirror and sees something in the mirror, then looks back and nothing is there. She has illusions that she can see this boy in her bedroom, then he keeps disappearing and she runs and skips around her room looking for him. There would be close ups of her face for the male gaze and also wide shots to show the setting and how she has to look for this boy. There would be parts when she is tired out and has flashback to when they were in the cafeteria or in the library together. In between all of this happening there would be parts where the singer would be walking down the stairs and around the house whilst performing however from a distance we would see the girl running around her bedroom looking for this boy. In the end she would end up at school and they would kiss and then when she goes to bed at night she looks out the window to the second star on the right, linking it to the film peter pan. Throughout the video there would be discreet links to peter pan, just to match the song however not too noticeable.

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